
Week of Nov 5th

Week of Nov 5 th Objective (M/T): SWBAT  use a graph and a table to identify whether the two quantities are proportional to each othe r by completing exit ticket at 80% Do Now: There is a proportional relationship between the amount of time (in minutes) Jane types in the computer lab, x, and the total number of words she types, y. What is the constant of proportionality?                         Whole Class: Discuss properties of a graph that is proportional and graphs that are not proportional. Gallery Walk: Collect data on each poster and whether each situation is proportional or non-proportional. Independent: Closing questions and K.1 Find the constant of proportionality from a table Exit Ticket: Which graphs in the gallery walk represented proportional relationships, and which did not? List the group number. What are the characteristics of the graphs that represent proportional relationships? Home-Practice: Complete any missing assignments

Week of Oct 29th

Week of Oct 29 th Objective (Th/F): SWBAT use a graph to show if a relationship is proportional by identifying the constant of proportionality and completing exit ticket at 80% Do Now: Isaiah sold candy bars to help raise money for his scouting troop.   The table shows the amount of candy he sold compared to the money he received. Is the amount of candy bars sold proportional to the money Isaiah received?   How do you know? Direct: Create another ratio table that contains two sets of quantities that are proportional to each other using the first ratio on the table. Once completed, create a graph of the table. Collaborative: ON A POSTER, you will create a table and graph to identify whether the two quantities are proportional to each other. Independent: IXL – K.4 Find the constant of proportionality from a graph Home-Practice: Complete any missing assignments Objective (W): SWBAT prove if a table is proportional or non-proportional by id

Week of Oct 22nd

Week of Oct 22 nd Objective (T/W/TH): SWBAT examine situations to decide whether two quantities are proportional to each other by checking for a constant multiple between measures of 𝑥 and measures of 𝑦 when given in a table by completing exit ticket at 80% Do Now: Create ALL possible rectangles for the following numbers:24, 36, 64, 45               What is so special about the dimensions of the rectangles? Whole Class: Sieve Closing Questions Direct: You have been hired by your neighbors to babysit their children on Friday night. You are paid $ 𝟖 per hour. Complete the table relating your pay to the number of hours you worked. Explain how you completed the table. Collaborative: On one index card, the students work together to create a table of two quantities that are proportional to one another.   On the other index card, the students create a story problem that would generate the table.   Independent: IXL: J.8 Do the ratios form a